Page name: the lions pride [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-10-13 05:28:58
Last author: Lioness123
Owner: Lioness123
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The Lions Pride

The Lions Pride is now on Elfpack!



Welcome to The Lions Pride! I am [Lioness123], founder of The Lions Pride, and founder of Dragons Eyes.This wiki is for all the lions and lioness' of Elftown. Its is a place to sleep in the sun, hunt for prey, groom each other, and make new lion friends.

This is a new wiki, so please be patient as I get everything all up and running.

**Become one of the pride!**

The Lions Pride members list

Don't know how to be a lion? Get your training here!

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*~> I believe we need a badge. How would you guys feel about having everyone submit a pic they made and then taking a vote to decide which will be our wiki badge? Let me know!

[NorthLion] - Sounds cool... I just need a few days.

[Scarlet Lioness] - I'm up for it but I'll need a few days...I'm at my sister's house house-sitting while they're gone and all my work is at home...but I could whip somehing up here...

[NorthLion] - I think I've got my badge done... I'll move it all to a separate page... Lions Pride badge ideas.

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2004-10-06 [Lioness123]: *looks over shoulder at North* if you'd like, you can help too.

2004-10-07 [NorthLion]: make fun? who's making fun? Sure, I can help.. if you go for something too big to get down, just make it run towards me..

2004-10-07 [Scarlet Lioness]: **yawns** sitting in the grass...waiting for some food...oh look...a butterfly!

2004-10-07 [Lioness123]: ok, Northlion, you help scarlet bring down the kill, me and lioness2 will drive them your way. *gets up and runs into position while keeping low*

2004-10-08 [Scarlet Lioness]: looks like it's you and me buddy...wanna play catch with the dead butterfly until they bring the food our way? Entertainment while waiting for fast food

2004-10-08 [Lioness2]: *runs with [Lioness123], haunches down as she scurries through the long grass...licks her chops in excitement* Which one we going for? I pick the juicy one...*Growls under her breath*

2004-10-08 [Lioness123]: Not sure yet...*sniffs the wind* lets just get them moving and let them two decide on which one they'd like to go for. Ready? GO!! *Races out of the grass and toward herd of gazelle*

2004-10-08 [Scarlet Lioness]: oh, never mind on playing comes supper...

2004-10-08 [NorthLion]: playing catch with a dead butterfly? not much of a chase... *gets down and predpares lunge*

2004-10-08 [Lioness2]: *Races forward with [Lioness123], muscles moothing smoothly under sleek tawny skin...runs off to the left of her, and roars, intent on scaring the prey. Watches the herd move about away from her and towards the bushes....*

2004-10-09 [Lioness123]: *skillfully guides prey with help of Scarlet*

2004-10-09 [Scarlet Lioness]: Time to play! **jumps out of bushes as the herd rushes past us, I find the biggest one who happens to be wounded and races towards it.** Come on North! it's time to play with our food!

2004-10-09 [NorthLion]: *lunges out and grabs a hold of the hindquarters and with his whole weight added to the power of momentum from the jump the hind quarter collapses leaving the front of the animal bare and vounerable*

2004-10-09 [Scarlet Lioness]: **jumps out taking a hold of the animal's neck, biting into an artery**

2004-10-09 [Lioness123]: Lioness2? where are ya?

2004-10-09 [Lioness2]: *Jumps up across an animal's back* Right here gal, right here....

2004-10-10 [Lioness123]: *comes running up and watches the pride bring down the kill*

2004-10-11 [Scarlet Lioness]: **still with a hold on the animal's neck, I hold it down as fatal bites are delivered**

2004-10-11 [Lioness123]: *licks lips and moves in as animal struggles for life*

2004-10-11 [NorthLion]: *mumbles a little* 'useless male'

2004-10-11 [Scarlet Lioness]: are you calling yourself useless? slowed it down for me...**I strugle to say through a mouth full of dead animal. I rip a piece off and begin to eat.** Come on, I know you're hungry...

2004-10-11 [Lioness123]: *begins to feed*

2004-10-12 [NorthLion]: *cant speak, mouth full*

2004-10-13 [Lioness123]: I sure hope there's enough to go around...

2004-10-13 [Lioness123]: Hey people, please join Elfpack so I have someone to talk to in there...Also, theres another version of this wiki there too.

2004-10-13 [Scarlet Lioness]: seriously? how cool is that?!? I'll have to go check out Elfpack. ANd I'm sure there's fact, I'm getting full **stares down at the non-existant neck and shoulder area that I had been working on**

2004-10-14 [Lioness123]: lol

2004-10-24 [Lioness2]: *stalks up slowly and nuzzles into the carcass...* Damn, got called away...last morsels are mine!

2004-10-24 [Lioness2]: Scarlett, how do you get to elfpack?

2004-10-24 [Scarlet Lioness]: and sign yourself up

2004-10-24 [Lioness2]: I'm on! yay me! That one has become my evil alter ego - if anyone wants to visit me, i'm [Lioness2] again...

2004-10-24 [Scarlet Lioness]: I didn't really like it there...

2004-10-24 [NorthLion]: It's much better here

2004-10-24 [Scarlet Lioness]: yeah...besides, the food is better here! **licks lips and lays down, stretching, with a belly full of food**

2004-10-24 [Lioness2]: Its a place built for the banned menmbers of elftown. It's full of angry kids and people willing to take advantage of the rules, but at least it gets them off elftown, and makes it more enjoyable here for everyone else

2004-10-25 [NorthLion]: hehe.. interesting concept...

2004-10-26 [Lioness123]: *grins like the cheshire cat*...I fit right in :)

2004-10-26 [Scarlet Lioness]: I don't know, I tried it and I'm not a big fan of it...but that's just me

2004-10-26 [Lioness123]: omg, this is Hillarious!!--->> <img:>

2004-10-26 [Scarlet Lioness]: omg...I want a harem of men that big...

2004-10-26 [Lioness123]: hehehe

2004-10-26 [Lioness2]: LMAO! That's me hubby...luckily BEFORE i met him...LOL

2004-10-26 [NorthLion]: hehehe

2004-10-27 [Plain_and_Peanut M'n'Ms]: so can I join if I'm a lion at heart, even if 'lion' isn't in the screen name? :) *smiles endearingly*

2004-10-27 [Lioness123]: yes, those who have a strong presence and enjoy feeling dangerous.

2004-10-27 [NorthLion]: No problem, larger pride is cool

2004-10-28 [Lioness2]: yeah, more food and more territory for you to pee on [NorthLion]...*snikkers*

2004-10-28 [Scarlet Lioness]: [NorthLion], the bigger the pride (which so far is all females with the exception of you) is a good thing...mean we're your technical harem...but not really, I'm

2004-10-28 [Lioness123]: hehe, me too = )

2004-10-29 [Scarlet Lioness]: lol

2004-10-29 [Lioness123]: a new lioness has joined our pride

2004-10-29 [NorthLion]: It's not a harem, it is a fully normal Lion society... it's probably for the best that i'm the only male..

2004-10-29 [NorthLion]: aaand WELCOME! *nuzzles*

2004-10-29 [Scarlet Lioness]: you would be a grumpy male if you had**yawns** it's nap time for me...**walks over and nuzzles against Peanut. flopping down and curling up** Welcome to our Pride!

2004-10-29 [Plain_and_Peanut M'n'Ms]: Yay, I feel the love... *nuzzles everyone happily and falls asleep, tired by the long journey to get here*

2004-10-30 [Lioness123]: *drops a fresh rabbit at peanut's feet* here's a welcome gift for you!

2004-10-30 [Scarlet Lioness]: mmm...bunny!

2004-10-30 [Lioness2]: *looks up sleepily and yawns, shifting position from being awoken by interuptions. Growls to herself and lays her head back down on her paws.*

2004-10-31 [Lioness123]: lazy bones.... *stretches out extending long claws and leaps to a large tree limb*

2004-11-01 [Scarlet Lioness]: there's nothing wrong with being lazy...**stretches from where I'm still flopped lazily**

2004-11-01 [Lioness123]: I never said being lazy was a bad thing...*lies down on the limb overlooking the pride*

2004-11-08 [Lioness123]: welcome, paradox

2004-11-08 [Scarlet Lioness]: It's nap time, curl up with someone...we don't bite to ard when we're sleepy

2004-11-08 [NorthLion]: I just bought a big blanket for my bed with a big picture of a lioness on it

2004-11-08 [Lioness123]: lol, aww, I feel so special now

2004-11-08 [Scarlet Lioness]: yeah! me too! Now you have to buy me one and send it to me...I'll pay you back, but I want one too!

2004-11-09 [NorthLion]: it costs 16 pounds.. and is huge! I'ma bit short forcash... but if you can find a way to pay on advance..

2004-11-09 [Lioness123]: how much is that in US currency?

2004-11-09 [Lioness2]: about $18-20 [Lioness123]

2004-11-09 [NorthLion]: shipping will cost more than the cover itself...

2004-11-10 [Scarlet Lioness]: yeah...I'll see if I can find one's not like I need it though...I've got a German feather's so nice **rolls around and stretches, showing my pale tummy**

2004-11-10 [Lioness123]: :( I used to have a dozen cozy feather pillows until last spring my dumb body decided to become allergic to them. I can't sleep on a feather pillow or my eyes will swell up all big and my hearing will become muffled.

2004-11-10 [Scarlet Lioness]: :'( poor you! I don't know what I would do without my comfy feathers...

2004-11-10 [Lioness123]: for the longest time I didn't know what I was allergic to! I went like, over 2 weeks with puffy eyes, going to work and school... it sucked! at least now I know what to stay away from

2004-11-10 [Lioness123]: its funny, I've never been alergic to anything before in my whole life and its like my body decided overnight..."ya know, I don't think I like feathers...nope, I think I'll become allergic to them"

2004-11-10 [NorthLion]: I'm allergic to metals.. only metal alloys created by people though

2004-11-10 [Scarlet Lioness]: I'm allergic to bee stings, but that's it.

2004-11-10 [Lioness2]: i'm allergic to peas. And a lot of man made chemicals

2004-11-11 [Scarlet Lioness]: peas?

2004-11-11 [Lioness2]: yeah, little round green things you eat. Grow in pods. Yucky things.

2004-11-12 [Scarlet Lioness]: are you allergic to beans? most peas I know are associated with beans

2004-11-14 [Lioness123]: yuck....why would you ever wanna eat those in the first place? blek! :P

2004-11-17 [Lioness2]: no, not beans...peas! Like pea soup!! mushy peas!! Little round green things!!! Oh never mind. I hate them anyway, jus thought you should know that.

2004-11-28 [Scarlet Lioness]: **rolls around in the grass and stretches** Where did everyone go? Don't leave me on the savannah by all by myself's just not cool...

2004-11-28 [Lioness123]: how was everyone's thanksgiving? Filling i hope..

2004-11-28 [NorthLion]: I just saw the lion king musical! and I just turned 24!

2004-11-28 [Scarlet Lioness]: yes, filling, but then I was ambushed by tons of children...interesting...and isn't the musical awesome? I saw it two summers ago for my birthday. My 15th birthday. and Happy birthday!

2004-11-28 [Lioness2]: happy birthday [NorthLion] ! I've just come back from a weekend in armour, i'm exhausted. I did buy a necklace...its silver, leapard heads all the way down, and at the end is a huge leapard pouncing. Covered in black and white cool

2004-11-29 [Lioness123]: lioness2, could you show us a pic of it? it sounds pretty!

2004-11-29 [Lioness2]: Not yet...i got my mum to buy if for me for christmas, but she won't let me have it till then either!! I'll try to get a pic of it after then...

2004-11-30 [Scarlet Lioness]: ohhh! sounds so pretty! I want one but with lioness'

2004-11-30 [Lioness2]: yeah, me too but i could only find the leapard one...even that was a rare find...

2004-11-30 [Scarlet Lioness]: sounds like it! can't wait till Christmas so we can all see a picture of it!

2004-12-07 [NorthLion]: How many people have seen the lion king musical?

2004-12-09 [Scarlet Lioness]: me!!!

2004-12-10 [NorthLion]: it's so wonderful, isn't it!?

2004-12-11 [Scarlet Lioness]: I almost peed my pants!

2004-12-11 [Lioness123]: is it really that good??

2004-12-11 [NorthLion]: is it really that good? No.. it is a lot better! Honestly, I have never seen anything like anything that even comnes close to half as amazing. 5 years running 8 times per week and is still sold out every time.,.. does that tell you something?

2005-01-09 [Scarlet Lioness]: Where did eveyone go?

2005-01-09 [Lioness2]: *shakes herself* I've just got back from working all over christmas and the new year. Time to relax, clear up e-mails, messages etc... I'm at my mum's for a few days, then i'm off home on the 12th- home sweet home!

2005-01-10 [Lioness123]: I've been real busy with work and school and trying to get over this cold.

2005-01-10 [NorthLion]: meddeling with relatives during christmas.. back in school now. Oh by the way.. I bit people during the holiday.. lots!

2005-01-10 [Scarlet Lioness]: you bit people too?! Was it in a mean way? I bit in sexual ways, but I don't think you guys want to hear about that

2005-01-10 [Lioness123]: lol

2005-01-10 [Lioness2]: i never have the damn energy to do anything in sexual ways these days...i feel like such an old hag, lol

2005-01-11 [Scarlet Lioness]: oh don't say that! You just need to find something to light that sexual energy flame again

2005-01-11 [Lioness123]: *giggles like school girl*

2005-01-11 [Lioness2]: I think the only thing that could help me there is LSD...or some kind of drug to get me high. Don't know why i'm so tired all the time at the moment...just don't seem to be able to feel energetic about anything..

2005-01-11 [NorthLion]: I bite in playful ways! hmm.. tired.. can be lack of sleep, bad blood preassure or it could your brain messing with you... if the brain disagrees with you doing something you want to do it may try to keep you from doing it by making you feel tired.

2005-01-14 [Lioness2]: well, i'm not lacking in sleep, and i'm supposed to have good blood pressure as i have to have it checked every six months. But it could be the brain thing - my body doesnt often agree with the things i have to do...

2005-01-14 [NorthLion]: so you have to find out why it is your brain thinks you shouldn't do it...

2005-01-14 [Lioness2]: Because it hates me?

2005-01-14 [Scarlet Lioness]: my brain hates my body...nothing in me agrees...but I live on anyway...and like a hippie too!

2005-01-16 [Lioness2]: ^ Agrees with the above...

2005-01-16 [NorthLion]: your brain does what it knows to be good for your body.. but it might not be right.

2005-02-27 [Lioness123]: *greets the sun with a ROAAAAR!!*

2005-02-28 [NorthLion]: *streches and nuzzles the nearest lioness*

2005-03-01 [Scarlet Lioness]: oh! hello to you too! **nuzzles [NorthLion] back**

2005-03-01 [Lioness123]: lol

2005-03-02 [Lioness2]: Flirt...

2005-03-02 [Lioness123]: get a room, you two ;)

2005-03-02 [Scarlet Lioness]: Hey, in real life I've got a boyfriend...nuzzling with other lions is ok!

2005-03-03 [Lioness123]: lol, I'm just kidding

2005-03-03 [NorthLion]: a room? in the middle of the savannah?

2005-03-03 [NorthLion]: nuzzeling is just a hi and a show of apriciation

2005-03-04 [Lioness2]: ok then..get a cave!

2005-03-04 [Lioness123]: get a bush....den?

2005-03-04 [NorthLion]: You could all stand around and form a wall..

2005-03-04 [Scarlet Lioness]: yeah...kinda like a fuzzy barrier keeping everyone away...yeah that'll work...then I'll get up and take one of your places and you can have your turn! lol!

2005-03-05 [Lioness123]: *puts paws over ears* lalalalalalaala

2005-03-05 [Scarlet Lioness]: oh you're such a prudent...what's a little friendly nuzzling between friends? lol

2005-03-06 [NorthLion]: *laughs* I'm here for ya.. all of ya!

2005-03-07 [Lioness123]: *comes back with Burger king burgers for everyone* sorry, i didn't feel like hunting today

2005-03-07 [NorthLion]: o.O what happened? the meat is all.. borwn!

2005-03-07 [Scarlet Lioness]: I like the hot red meat myself...

2005-03-07 [Lioness2]: (tastes the Burgers) Tastes like rubber, but the more i eat, the more i want to carry on...WHY!!! *guzzles burgers, then looks over at [Lioness123] * You didnt happen to come across...a...chocolate milkshake by any chance did you?

2005-03-08 [Lioness123]: *digs through bag and tosses Lioness2 a milkshake* *rips bag open and dumps remaining contents on ground then proceeds to devour french fries*

2005-03-08 [Lioness2]: *grins* mmmm...milkshake...thankyou *proceeds to dip her chips in the milkshake and eats them.* Gahhh...the best...

2005-03-08 [NorthLion]: *stares*

2005-03-09 [Scarlet Lioness]: **sniffs at the fries** I can't turn down fries no matter where they're from

2005-03-09 [NorthLion]: these are the strangest animals I have ever seen! are they.. insects? or tellow worms?

2005-03-10 [Lioness123]: *grabs fries and gobbles them* neither...they're going to be lioness poo

2005-03-10 [NorthLion]: ... nice.

2005-03-11 [Lioness2]: Hehe, thats all that matters...they go in the good place, and come out the bad place. besides, i dont think the tourists minded [Lioness123] breaking into their car to get a take away, did they?

2005-03-11 [Scarlet Lioness]: no, I don't think they fact, I think they left it there as a gift!

2005-03-11 [Lioness2]: mean after they saw your sandy yellow ass come racing out the bushes and fled??

2005-03-12 [Scarlet Lioness]: lol...ok...for your ass is more of a tawny gold...and I am damn intimidating aren't I? lol...I think it's the teeth and the running...

2005-03-12 [Lioness123]: I think those tourists were more interested in taking pictures of me raiding their lunch rather than fighting for it

2005-03-12 [Lioness2]: You'd be more intimidating if your teeth weren't brown.....

2005-03-12 [Lioness123]: *gasp* teeth aren't brown. Their a feirsom glistening white.

2005-03-12 [Scarlet Lioness]: ...ok I admit mine are a yellowish, but you know I'm not too partial on bones...I like to chew on something that is squishy! like the fat on an animal...

2005-03-12 [NorthLion]: ... those tourists still nearby?

2005-03-12 [Lioness2]: You know, a bit of chewing grass wouldnt go amiss you guys...that goes for bad breath too *shrinks away, grimacing*

2005-03-13 [NorthLion]: *blinks* what?

2005-03-13 [Lioness123]: Mint leaves....hmm...catsmint...catnip!

2005-03-14 [Lioness2]: Trust you to find the only catnip bush in the serengeti...

2005-03-14 [NorthLion]: *lies down and yawns*

2005-03-15 [Scarlet Lioness]: I like catnip!!! mmm...**rolls on a twig that was flung from the bush.**

2005-04-08 [NorthLion]: .. uhh.. you know what catnip DOES don't you?

2005-04-08 [Lioness123]: its used in teas and herbal remedies and as a treat for cats.

2005-04-08 [NorthLion]: but what does it acctually DO with the cats?

2005-04-08 [Lioness123]: Catnip tea made from the leaves and flowers can be taken for coughs, colds, catarrh, and a bedtime calmative.

2005-04-08 [Lioness123]: it makes them frisky ;)

2005-04-08 [NorthLion]: frisky.. hehe... that's ONE word you could use..

2005-04-08 [Lioness123]: its probably the same effect that chocolate has on people...whats that word....aphrodesiac?

2005-04-08 [NorthLion]: a lot stronger than chocolate

2005-04-08 [Lioness123]: *giggles*

2005-04-08 [NorthLion]: but you know what... I don't mind, you can have all the catnip in the world.

2005-04-10 [Lioness2]: *coughcoughCATNIPANONYMOUScoughcough*

2005-04-10 [Lioness123]: my cats actually don't care for catnip. I just grow it b/c I like the look of the plant and flower

2005-04-10 [Scarlet Lioness]: my cats love the stuff...I call it Meowy-wowy. It's their weed...

2005-04-10 [NorthLion]: (it stimulates their... reproductive drive.. so if they are neutered it wouldnt effect them much)

2005-04-11 [Scarlet Lioness]: are you just talking about male cats? neutered is for males, spayed is females...but yeah so I have both my girls spayed and you give them cat-nip and they go I don't think it's just the reproductive although that could be something it hits on...

2005-05-03 [NorthLion]: Check out my House!!! My baby!

2005-05-04 [Scarlet Lioness]: oh you bastard!!!! I'm so jealous!!!!!!!!!! Was it as soft as it looks?

2005-05-04 [NorthLion]: Yupp! Sooo adorable!

2005-05-06 [Scarlet Lioness]: oh I hate you. lol. So what have you been up to?

2005-05-07 [NorthLion]: feeding a ioncub

2005-05-07 [Scarlet Lioness]: sure so rub it in my face...ugh. You disgust me with your incredible luck.

2005-05-07 [NorthLion]: Hey! Be fair! Lionesses are the ones who have a chance to be lionmommies for real!

2005-05-11 [Scarlet Lioness]: lol...true, but in real lfe I've never cuddled one!

2005-05-11 [NorthLion]: Well I have! HAH! I'm closer to lionmommy status here!

2005-05-13 [Lioness123]: I have 3 cats, thats enough for me

2005-09-28 [Lioness123]: ggggGGGGGRRrrrRReeeEEOOOWW!!

2005-09-28 [Scarlet Lioness]: **stifles a giggle** my goodness...that was...intresting! lol.

2005-09-28 [Lioness123]: had to break the silence somehow

2005-09-29 [Scarlet Lioness]: lol. so how has the Pride been lately?

2005-09-29 [Lioness123]: bored outta my skull. I can't wait for my college courses to start. (did I just say that?)

2005-09-29 [NorthLion]: *rolls* We just ate.. catnapping! (for months)

2005-09-29 [Lioness123]: we had to send our cat to the vet...poor thing has kidney problems. The doc said she would have died had we not brought her in

2005-10-01 [Scarlet Lioness]: oh! poor thing! I'm glad cause my little girl is 10 or 11 now and cat's don't have that long of a life span...but she seems perfectly healthy so I'm wondering how long she'll be with me.

2005-10-01 [Lioness123]: my mom had a cat that lived to be 19 years old when she was young

2005-10-02 [Scarlet Lioness]: my brother-in-law's cat lived to be maybe my Sonja will live to be an old healthy girl.

2005-10-03 [Lioness123]: holy cow, thats like 120 in cat years!

2005-10-05 [NorthLion]: Funny thing is.. Cat-years is a human concept

2005-10-14 [Lioness2]: *Rolls and opens one sleepy eye* can't you noisy lot keep it down out there?? Some of us are trying to sleep...

2005-10-14 [NorthLion]: Did you have to mention cow? Now I'm hungry...

2005-10-14 [Lioness123]: been a long time since we've had a group hunt...who's up for one?

2005-10-15 [NorthLion]: *yawns, waiting for others to volunteer*

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